Girls talk

So me and the guy I was in a relationship with are not together but we talk and still hangout. I went through his phone last night woman's intuition I guess. He was entertaining all these Ntn ass females. I didn't get mad at me but he was like it's just entertainment because they think I don't how they really are (hoes) but I'm just like why are you entertaining though. I can't be mad cuz we not together and he didn't lie when I asked him but ladies what do Yall think?
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That you can't be mad your not together this shouldn't have even been a question .


goodbye • Sep 21, 2015
how about no?


Ula • Sep 21, 2015
Well keep your rude comments to yourself


goodbye • Sep 17, 2015
well I did.


Posted at
Its okay to be mad as long as you realize theres nothing to be mad about. You cant stop your emotions but you can step back and realize they might not ne appropriate. Im going through kinda the same thing so i know what its like


an • Sep 17, 2015
ok, but yall are not together, so you can't get mad, you are not his girl


Ula • Sep 17, 2015
Yea I didn't get mad when I asked him about it so it's whatever but I'm still jealous at the fact that he was entertaining