Sleepless nights - how many hrs do you get??


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Feels like i get zero hours of sleep. Between waking up constantly from hot flashes, cramps, discomfort, having to pee, SO being a bed hog --> not being able to fall back asleep for forever after everything that wakes me up. Its impossible.


Posted at
I wake up for pee breaks every 45 mins to an hour, and it takes me at least 20 minutes to fall back asleep. Not much sleep happening here :p


Posted at
It takes me a very long time to even fall asleep. After that I wake up 4-6 times for potty.  


Posted at
My hours are total... Usualy in 2 hour blocks with 1-2 hours restless wakeful chunks in between. 


Veronica • Sep 15, 2015
Same! It's like chunks of sleep. Good way to word it. Most of the time up peeing and Maneuvering with my body pillow to find a comfy spot


Posted at
I usually go to bed once I put my toddler down. I just can't function without it. I wake up 5-6 times a night, though.


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Pretty close to 8 depending on how late the other half and I are having sex. Always up at 6.


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I usually don't get to sleep before 3-4am but luckily my SO was granted variable work hours by the military (due to complications earlier in my pregnancy) and can take our son to & from school, so I can sleep in or at least relax during the day. 


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A couple hours here and there. I dozed off for half an hour around 10 last night and haven't been able to sleep since. Hopefully I can get a few hours this morning so I can get some things done.