Low progesterone, short lp, ovulate late

Hi ladies. Looking for thoughts. I ovulate between cd 16-17 usually and my cycle is between 25-27 days. This month I supplemented with geritol and vitex and evening primrose until I oed. Still taking geritol and vitex. So, I found out my progesterone is 5.5 on cd22. The nurse at my obgyn said I have to wait 6 months to get tests. Before this month I can only imagine how much lower my progesterone probably was since my Temps were way lower. Do you think having to wait 6 mo is a good idea? I'm curious because to me if you know there's a problem you should fix it. That being said, I included my chart BC I'm clearly not out this month based on cm and Temps. My cervix is also higher than its ever been and closed/hard. Even if I do get a + this month I'm worried it'll be a chemical like last. What would you do? Second opinion? Wait? Buy progesterone cream?