First IUI

Sarah • 33 yo, ttc #3 for me but #1 for DH, ttc 3yrs

Just had our first insemination this morning, since hubby has low motility and morphology

This round was all natural mostly, no meds for me since all my blood tests are good and I'm definitely ovulating according to OPK and ultrasound, DH started taking 25mg clomid about 2 weeks ago

Fingers crossed it works!

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Posted at
Good luck! I have my first IUI tomorrow morning. I pray everything goes well


Posted at
Good luck!!! We just found out my hubby has low morpho so this is likely the path we are heading in!


Posted at
Do you mind me asking what the cost is for IUI? What area of the country are you in? Is it covered by your insurance? Thank you so much!!! 😊


Ka • Sep 30, 2015
Good to know, thank you. We have several places in this area as well. I believe they are much more expensive though...


Sarah • Sep 28, 2015
thanks! dunno if you have places up there, we went to MCV Women's Health Center, liking them so far


Ka • Sep 22, 2015
Very helpful. Thank you! We are in va too. Northern, near DC 😊 good luck to you.