Some hope...

So I had dinner with a good friend of mine last night - she and her DH have been ttc #1 for at least 1.5 years. (She's only 31 yo.) She and her DH both went through all the fertility testing and she had the HSG test in June and everything checked out normal, but still wasn't getting preggo, although she thinks she may have had a chemical in July. Her Gyn was not concerned - they're both young and healthy, maybe would just take some more time - but they decided to see a fertility specialist and tried <a href="">IUI</a> after femara and trigger shot in August - and it took!  She's now 6 weeks along!  I'm so excited for her!  It gives me some hope that there are options. Now she is just waiting for US this Friday to see if there is more than one bun in the oven  - I guess there is increased risk of multiples... Man, that's my dream - ever since I was a little girl - to have a twin boy and girl and be done!!  So maybe I should look into this <a href="">IUI</a>...  Lol.