To my second time moms❤️

Kelly • Pregnant with my second child, due February 21st! Were very excited to be giving our daughter a sibling!
How did you feel when you found out you were pregnant with your second child? Were you just as excited as you were with your first or did you burst out in tears? Me personally, I burst into tears with fear. Fear that I wouldn't love this baby like I do my first or making her feel left out. I'm currently 20 weeks and I'm now becoming more comfortable with the pregnancy and I'm very excited to find out the gender. But sometimes I feel like I won't have the same bond and it scares me because I know I love this baby, but I don't want my first feeling neglected. We do include her in every aspect as to ultrasound appointments, she's going to do the gender reveal, and she helps is pick out baby stuff. Idk does anyone else feel or have felt like this? Just some kind words or reassurance would help me out a lot! I appreciate all of it❤️