Can anyone help me? BBT

Stacey • TTC #1 for 5 yrs. MFI & PCOS. Aug & Sept 2016 IUI — BFN ❌. IVF/ICSI•10/27 - 0 eggs. IVF#2 1/29 - Fresh transfer of two 5 day embryos. Expecting twin boys!! At 28w we found out Twin A no longer had a heartbeat 💔 Both boys born at 33w on 8/30/17. Maverick
Ok so I have my alarm set for 5:15am to temp. Before ovulation it worked great. Since ovulation I wake up every day out of the blue at 4am. Since that is my longest period of sleep I take temp. It is always erratic as you can see from my chart. 
This morning I wake up at 4am again and temp. It's 97.03, I go back to sleep and temp at 5:15 and its 97.30. 
I'm just feeling down and out this month now. I never have had this issue until this month. What gives?
If I set alarm for 4am the problem is I wake up my DH and 4 dogs and its game over for me. I have to get up.