I Don't Get It!!! :(

So I had my last cycle start on Sept 19th. Since I have been taking OPK and Temping. My chart, below had all the signs that I had ovulated and was well on my way to taking a Pregnancy test next Sat. Well out of the blue with no warning I started bleeding this morning, bright red. By 10am I had passed a blood clot, between the size of a penny and quarter. Well By the time I got to the store and bought some pads, (decided to use instead of tampons while TTC) my bleeding has slowed. It has been now 12 hours and now I have like brownish spotting going on.... Did I start my AF or is it possible to have a blood clot and still have conceived? Or is it one of those only time can tell. I started today with a soft and high cervix, lots of pregnancy symptoms even crying over small things, would have been 6dpo today. Time for that implantion but instead just 6 dpo I started bleeding heavy this morning after the blood clot not hardly at all. I have not had to change my pad all day, and now it still just has a small amount of brown on it. Any thoughts. I did call my doctor and she called me in a prescription of Clomid I start on Sunday, But what if.... just what it... I don't continue bleeding then what? Doctor is closed till Monday now.I don't know what to think or do now... I am ready just to cry honestly.