So ready for that ultrasound!

Allison • Mommy of one 💜
I am estimated 9weeks, 3 days today! And so far so good! My body is changing almost daily it would seem, I have very mild early pregnancy symptoms, and I have no cause for concern! But we have yet to have an exam or an ultrasound 😩. We have a full day at Medical scheduled for the 28th (I'll be 11 weeks, 1 day estimated)! Some sort of 2 hour class and paperwork in the morning, and then our very first exam an ultrasound in the afternoon. I am anxious to see out little munchkin! I keep getting told I must be having twins (even little kids have told me there are 2 babies in my belly). I'm okay with 1 or 2, I am just so anxious to know!!!