Advice please!!!

I'm going try make this short!!! Me and my husband decided not have Instagram. He swears he hasn't been on it!!!! While today I got on mine to check if his been on. While I seen a couple weeks ago he was having a conversation with some girl he used to mess with. He was telling her how we are going back to NM and that they should play ball when he gets there and she said while I guess we can't do anything and he just said yeah. Then he told  her how he wants  to go Hawii and she told him can I go with you and he said that will that will be bad because it didn't workout the first time. He also comment on one her pic in here bikini and put this face 😋. Idk why his talking to a girl he used to mess with in the passed and tell her that we are moving back over there!!!! I told him about it and to him it didn't seem bad he said that was couple weeks ago but still we are married why you talking to her. Then he started pushing me and getting in my face telling me I can't leave anywhere and if I leave I can leave without our son. He didn't even let me hold my 3 week old soon for awhile then finally he did. I want to leave but I can't because he won't let me take my son with me and my husband is in the army. If I just leave will I get in trouble??