I'm at a loss, what do I do?

Well for a little background my son has son emotional problems stemming from abuse by his father's family when he was very young. So that's part of the problem.

The specific issue right now is his bed and bed room. In the last year he has completely destroyed 2 beds, 3 air beds, and several foam pads. This has been done in various ways. He steals knives and cuts the beds up, he literally smears feces on the beds and walls in his room. He stabbed holes in the air beds...etc etc. At this point it's gotten so bad that he currently does not have a bed. We told him he could go with out for a month and hopefully learn too appreciate a bed before he gets another. We are going to buy him a cot on Friday (the month will be up) and take it away every morning. We told him if he trashes that he won't get another one ever.

I'm at a loss on what to do. The bed is a big issue, but the feces thing effects the whole house as well. He shreds shower curtains, steals constantly, and will poop every where but the toilet. We find it hidden in clothes, on the floor, stuffed in drains...you name it there's been poop on it.

I'm just looking for advice...

I'd like to remain anon for obvious reasons, so I'm gonna try and cover what questions I think will be asked here:

He's 11, the abuse was at age 2 and there has been no contact with the abusers since, he is and has been in therapy (it's useless), I've tried several medications (again no effect), his diagnosis is ptsd and several emotional disorders.

I don't know if I can handle it anymore. I have a baby on the way and obviously can't have a baby in a shit filled house. I told him I'm out of options and if he doesn't start trying to fix the problem he might have to be put into a mental home. Since being told that he's refused to leave his room and is missing school.

Please help me, anyone.