What do you think a acceptable amount of child support is,,to a man who has had SEVERAL chances to be a father their their child/children... And he refuses to see him and wants nothing to do with him/her? We didnt get prego alone..

Amber • Married to the love of my life,and ttc!!
My sons biological father has had several chances to be apart of his sons life,he refuses to see him,help out in any way,and doesn't feel obligated to help financially with his son. For the last 2yrs hes paid 70$ a month child support and my son is 5 this literally helps do nothing.. Daycare is at least 400 or more a month. I didn't lay down and get pregnant alone and I was on birth control. I sent through my pregnancy without him labor without him and have been raising him alone until I got married to my husband who we love dearly and is daddy to him. But I don't feel he should get off Scotch free!!

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