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Hi ladies, getting concerned as I don't appear to have ovulated yet and my last two cycles I'd ovulated by now. I know my temps are a bit crazy - mostl y due to taking them at different times. But I usually get a confirmed ovulation despite this. Any ideas? 


Laura • Oct 23, 2015
I've used three brands so far, and the best is first response digital, which starts testing on CD5. Highly recommend!


Rebecca • Oct 22, 2015
Thank you Laura I was trying to do it without the opks as I thought they'd give me more stress but maybe I need to try them. What brand do you use Laura? X


Laura • Oct 22, 2015
Sigh.. This is why I stopped taking my bbt!! It was crazy and told me nothing and just made me a little more stressed. Invest in an OPK to put your mind at ease, and hopefully hit the mark!


Posted at
Ok so today I took my temp same time 36.1 - took it again right after and it said 36.3. If I put 36.3 into ff for the last few times I got a reading of 36.3 it adds an ovulation date to when I thought I did. What shall I do??!! Change the data? Maybe I'm just fooling myself :-(