Long story! Help!

JMP • Proud mama to a beautiful baby girl 🎀💟🎀
Last night while the baby was laying on my lap she started to motion her head to my breast. For the heck of it I pulled out my boob to see what would happen and she latched on a began nursing like it was nothing! I couldn't believe it! She nursed for about 5 minutes and again this morning for 5 minutes. Now I'm at a crossroad... I've been exclusively pumping for 2 months and although it's hard I do find comfort knowing how much she is eating which I know won't happen if I nurse. At the same time I feel like I'm constantly obsessing over my supply and pumping like crazy it would be nice to just be able to nurse. I feel guilty seeing her nurse because it makes me feel like I gave up on her too quick. I don't even know if the transition could even go smoothly since she is so used to a bottle. I'm also not sure if I want to put her through the transition since she's doing so well. In a prefect world I could nurse and pump but I don't even know if that's possible. I'm so far into the whole pumping thing I'm almost scared to give it up. What should I do??