Planned home birth

Ash • Be Kind.
We had an amazing planned home birth at 39 weeks 1 day. Labor was about 7 hours, an hour shorter than with our first child (born naturally at 41 weeks). We had our midwife there for emergency purposes and to perform my antibiotic iv for GBS positive status. First stage breezed by then transition came and I labored in a birth pool for about an hour or so with contractions that were doubled up. Suddenly I felt like I had to go to the bathroom. I did this with my first child as well but didn't make the connection. Got on the toilet and started crowning! We planned on my husband catching and luckily he was right in front of me so it was easy as standing up and turning around to get in a better position. The midwife popped in just in time (she had only made a comment that the contractions seemed stronger but later said she expected quite a few more hours to go) to assist with the cord that was wrapped around her neck and it took about 3 little pushes after that for the rest of her. The first words she heard were her daddy's- saying she's beautiful. 
7lbs. 19in.