Baby shower for baby #2?

Cindy • I'm 34, SAHM to 3 year-old girl and brand new bouncing baby boy!
I don't really want a full-on shower for this baby. But I feel like every new baby deserves a celebration!
We don't need a lot of "stuff", unless we have a boy in which case we'll need a whole new wardrobe. But I just want a party! I love any excuse for cake and socializing. 
Problem for me is also that I don't have anyone to throw me a shower this time either. My cousin threw mine for me last time, but now she's not available. My BFF lives in another state and can't even afford to do it. 
I know enough that showers for a 2nd baby are not technically proper, and you definitely don't throw them for yourself! So, I guess I'm just kinda bummed. I want this baby to have as much fanfare coming into the world as our first baby did :(