Pregnancy, relationship advice!

I've been in a long distance same sex relationship for the past five years. (5 years prior was with another woman for about the same time). With college, occupations and more we haven't been able to move to one another. With time I realized I don't want to move to Arizona and she has to sell a house before she can move here. She also has two jobs (one for swa so we can fly free) but, her work hours are too long and we see each other about 1.5 days of the week. 
I had my yearly and was told (as I have been since I was 17) with my PCOS and endometriosis severity, that I am about 80% not able to carry (my partner does not want to carry) and if I wanted those chances to stay where I can work with an IFV. The only thing is... We aren't married and we are so far apart. Her house goes up on the market on Jan 1st... I don't know whether to start trying now and just move to her (I'm in the position after a bad spider bite, that left me disabled at the time (with a neurological disorder).
Please help me sort out thoughts, a timeline, sensibility of the whole situation, etc.
Oh, I'm about 5'2" and 125 lbs