I need help

Adrianna • Why do people bother filling this out? Oh well, back to my movie.
I been in an awesome loving relationship for a while now. To let you know it took my ex a while to bring down my trusting walks due to my previous relationship. I finally trusted him and opened up to him and convinced myself to say yes to him to be in a relationship. He recently lost his job about a month ago. He been thinking to look for another job, but also thinking to move to the city to get the rest of his grade 12. Yesterday my bf(ex) told me he wants to get his education. I'm happy for him but I asked what do you want to do about us? I gave him three choices we try long distance, I move with him in July though so I finish my grade 12, or we just end it. As u guess we ended it. I'm happy for him but I'm also heart broken, when ever we kissed in the past I felt butterflies, I felt complete when I'm around him. And I don't want him to see how bad I'm hurting cuz I'm scared he won't go then or he will feel bad. I been in other relationships but I never and I mean never cried for a bf (ex) the way I did when I left his place. 9pm and it's now 3:30am and I'm still fucking crying on the 4th of November 4th we had sex and we break up a day later it makes me feel he didn't really love me. Cuz I said I love you on the stupid 4th and he never said it back. And here I am crying over a guy that I love who just broke me with out Knowing it. I feel like I'm falling into my depression stage again and I don't want to I'm scared, frightened and feel incomplete without him.