Mad at my DH

Amber • I am a 25 year old SAHM to two beautiful little boys! Mikey is 3 and Josh is 1!
The stomach bug has hit our house this week. Both my kids (9m and 3y) have had it. Yesterday, I felt horrible all day. No energy, off and on nausea, achy, etc. After my DH got off work and got home, he took over with the kids. He asked me if I was still feeling nauseous, and I said off and on. He jokingly said, "You're pregnant again." (We had an early miscarriage in September.) I said no way lol because we haven't bd but a couple times since we lost the baby, and we used protection both times. My hubby doesn't want another baby, but I would love to add another one to our family. Anyway, he said I can help with that. It just made me so mad because he knows that I want another baby, and he was teasing me with it with no intention of trying for a 3rd. Sorry I just had to rant.
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Oh wow, that is insesntive of him! Sorry! :(