Placenta Percreta

Hi my name is Tiffany and I'm 35 yrs old, I was diagnosed with a complete placenta previa at 12 weeks after have multiple episodes of bleeding. My pregnancy started off identical twins and at 10 weeks 3 days it was confirmed we lost one. Everyone kept saying it was a blessing because I still had one baby thriving, which I was so grateful Makiya was doing wonderful. I had the panorama blood test because I lost a baby in the nicu in May 2010 he was 24 days old with Noonan Syndrome and she was perfect. On Oct 21st I got the worst news possible my beautiful baby girl had no heartbeat. Due to the placenta previa my maternal fetal specialist team and high risk ob surgeons had to make a plan to safely deliver my baby girl. On Oct 22 I was admitted in the hospital to be induced, at 5:30pm I had a massive hemorrhage losing 3800 ml of blood in less than 8 minutes and was rushed to the operating room for an emergency csection. Once I was put under general anesthesia I had 3 blood transfusions and a complete hysterectomy due to an undiagnosed placenta percreta. My surgery lasted 6 and a half hours where I almost died 3 times. The placenta percreta is where my placenta grew through my cervix and uterine wall attaching to my bladder and right ovary, this is a life threatening condition with a mortality rate of 9.5 to 24%. I'm lucky to be here alive. We had her funeral on Nov 2nd and I'm just shattered. I miss her so much and trying to accept the fact that I'll never have another baby is devastating. I can't believe she is gone. First I lost her sister then I lost her I feel so lost, empty and don't know what to think. My physical pain is horrible and I can barely move around, I'm waiting to see if I will need additional surgeries on my bladder. I just hope to find support here and hopefully offer support.