Am I a horrible mother?

My little guy is just over 4 months, I'm a SAHM and I'm totally spent. I get overwhelmed and frustrated every single day. I have communicated this to my husband and ask him for help  all of the time. He's used to me being super independent and maybe has just become used to that. I find it exhausting having to entertain my little guy all day every day. I'm fine with taking care of him but I constantly feel the need for a break. It makes me feel like a complete failure and I feel like I should be ecstatic that I get to stay home with my son. I just feel like a terrible mother because I want so badly to be able to pass him off to my husband when he gets home and decompress. My husband takes him for about an hour before giving him back to me and in that hour I'm finishing chores that require two hands. This is the hardest job I've ever had. Every moment I fear him to get fussy. It's no way to think or live but I just can't get out of this funk. Is this going to pass? Please say yes.