36 weeks tomorrow, and expected to birth between 37 and 38


I had my appointment with my midwife today, and she is certain that I won't make it to full term. This is my second baby, but it's been 7 years so I feel like a ftm all over again. When she checked me, my cervix was closed, but "paper thin." She could feel the whole head saying that she is "really down there". I've been on activity restrictions for a few months due to painful bh's after only being on my feet for 30 minutes. Lately the Bh's have become more frequent, more painful, and last night they actually went at 5 minute intervals for an hour before teetering off. She also said that I am doing better (further along in progression) then most people at term.

Has anyone else had this occur, and did you deliver early? The midwife didn't seem at all concerned, or anything. She actually talked about it as if I was already full term, so all seems normal and like there's nothing to worry about.