Guys... I need help.

LONG STORY.. My cycle is 20-23 days. Never been late. Please help me. 12 days after my last period I started bleeding and cramping, it was like a period but not as heavy..lasted 5 days.... Its been almost a month, I'm almost 2 weeks late, iv been bloating like crazy, i feel like a gained 10 pounds! Iv been crying over everything, tired all day everyday sense the first day I was late, iv lost my appetite and sertan foods taste funny, everything smells weird now, iv been having some light cramps and tons of discharge... I bought a cheap test and it was negative.. I got so worried and went to the hospital, urine test came back negative... What the heck is going on... Even though my urine test came back negative, could I still be pregnant?... This is crazy... Iv had these symptoms for almost 2 weeks and nothings coming out??... Has anyone else experienced this?? Please let me know what happened.