Evening Primrose Supplement

Hi ladies, I'm 30 (soon to be 31). My DH & I have been ttc since August. I have a 32day cycle with ovulation around cd19. I have a 3day period (1st two days medium to light flow, 3rd day light to spotting). I have a 4yrold from a previous relationship.
      I've been doing some reading and I found that evening primrose has been used to thin/ripen the cervix. 
     Towards the end of my last pregnancy, my cervix wouldn't dilate. I was 1/2cm the entire time. Two methods of induction were used, neither worked, which led to my c-section. 
   I think the reason I haven't been able to conceive is because my cervix softening. 
What are your thoughts? Any info would be appreciated. 

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