Lovenox - The sacrifices

Delia • Married. 3 girls, 16, 9 & 8. Lost our 1st son at 18wks this June. Now pregnant w our rainbow baby.
The sacrifices that have to be made in order to have a healthy & smooth pregnancy.  I must inject myself everyday on my belly with #lovenox...I forgot to do so yesterday as well as skipping on my vitamins, n today I feel so exhausted. 
Upon finding out I was expecting my rainbow baby back in Sept. I went back to my ob that delivered my two youngest daughters, best OB in the the LA county, 70 miles away from where I live, but it's so worth it. He ran a bunch of blood work test to see if he can determine why I lost my baby earlier this year. Well we found out I have protein deficiency and thrombocytopenia.  I experienced chronic fatigue, I was extremely nauseas, major headaches, very very weak, I felt like a walking zombie, but after injecting myself everyday, taking my vitamins and baby aspirin I am now feeling 100% better, normal n energetic.  I will continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby, but for right now, injections everyday it is. #RainbowBaby #sacrifices #HighriskPregnancy #TheStruggle  #AMothersLove
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Posted at
Prayers for you 💜💜💜


braeeexo • Dec 1, 2015
Of course :)


Delia • Dec 1, 2015
Thank u :)


Posted at
I too, am having to inject myself twice a day with Lovenox.  I'm doing so because I developed several blood clots in my left leg last month.  I'll be injecting myself throughout my pregnancy and up until 6mos after.  I'm only 13 weeks.  The sacrifices we make!! ❤️❤️


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Prayers. I had to do progesterone shots for 12 weeks which are IM and befor that two rounds of IVF shots. Totally worth it. Keep it up!