Don't feel sexy 😞

My fiancé and I have been together for 4 years and he is the love of my life as I know I am to him. Since we have been together I have gained a lot of weight and I don't feel sexy anymore. I used to be pretty thin and now I'm close to 100lbs more. I don't feel sexy anymore which makes me not want to start anything regarding sex or want to be on top because I'm afraid I'm hurt him or I won't look flattering or anything like that 😭
does anyone have ideas about how to make myself feel sexy/confident again in bed?? I'm on the track to loose weight but for the time being i don't know what to do...
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Your fiancé loves you for who you are that's why you are getting married! So get on him girlfriend! Treat yourself have a nice date night and take him on a ride of your own. Don't worry about your weight. You can always lose it when you're ready!


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Same here! Pamper yourself have a nice bath, shave..(all that stuff) moisturise, and I fake tan as I'm so pale lol. Paint your nails and things, then go on a date night! 💗