Hemorrhoids when AF is late

This is semi random I realize but I'm reaching for a connection here. AF was due Sunday. I'm only a full 2 days late at this point but I have a 28 day cycle almost to the hour so not getting my period this past Sunday at 11 am was kind of shocking. I'm currently 15/16 dpo. I tested yesterday morning on a cheapo test and it was a bfn. I decided I won't want to test again until atleast Thursday. My breasts have become a little sore over the last 24 hours which I never really get with AF. I guess the only other crazy thing going on is that when I use the restroom, specifically #2, I have hemorrhoids and some minor bleeding from there. Absolutely positive the blood is not coming from my vagina. I do have clear watery cm and just some slight cramping over the last few days but nothing really today. So basically I have read that changes in progesterone levels can affect the blood vessels in your rectum specifically. I never get hemorrhoids and this has been going on for about 48 hours. Has anyone experienced hemorrhoids and went on to get their bfp?!