Sponge Left Inside Me!!!!

Just wondering how common this supposedly UNCOMMON occurrence really happens!  
The doctor who delivered me (not my OB--who is amazing) had used "multiple packs of sutures" to repair a 2nd degree tear because of a lot of excess bleeding. 
The day I came home from the hospital I was in so much pain!  I'm aware the area would be sore because, I just pushed a baby out of there!  But I couldn't sit down without feeling like I was ripping something.  Then... The smell.  I understand the discharge/blood after birth has a smell, but I am not exaggerating when I say it smelled like there was rotting garbage between my legs.  I didn't want anyone to come over, I didn't want my husband near me because I smelled so bad.
I went to my doctor and she saw a big red sore and a lot of inflammation, I got two antibiotics for an infection.  At my follow up appointment to determine whether I would need surgery to correct the stitches, she found the sponge that was left among the excess sutures!  THIS WAS INSIDE ME FOR TWO WEEKS!!! That's what caused the sore, infection, smell and excruciating pain!  She was so upset this happened to me and said she would be taking this up with the hospital. Thankfully she was able to correct everything without surgery, in her office.  I feel amazing today (my appointment was last night) 
Has this happened to anyone else?!