Any advice please!!!


I will try to make this short but here is some background on this cycle. It's our 3rd month ttc#1. My first cycle was 28 days, not exactly sure about ovulation that month since i ran out of opks at cd17 with no positive. 2nd month was 30 days and ovulated on cd20. With that short of an LP I did some research and saw that B6 could lengthen it. So this month I started taking that on cd 3 and noticed by cd 20 I had not ovulated and no pos opk. So I gave it 2 more days and then stopped after more research saying that for some it delayed or stopped ovulation. On cd 28 I got a very positive opk, on cd 30 I had a dip and on today cd 31 I had a very big temp rise.

Ok so my question is should I try taking the B6 again now to lengthen my LP since I did hopefully ovulate? Should I wait 2 more days to make sure my Temps stay up to confirm and then start? Should I not take it at all? Should I only try half a pill?

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated. We do not live near family so we would love to be able to tell everyone at Christmas in person. So I am up for trying anything to get my bfp. Thanks!