RANT !!😡

Okay I see so many girls and woman asking questions on this app and not one persons answers them but there views are like in the hundreds. Ladies come to this app to get answers to there questions and not one person can answer them but can view there topic and just exit it. I understand the people who don't know the answer to there question but for the ladies that do and don't say anything is pathetic. And when someone does answer they give a smart ass remark like really come on. We're all here for the same things. So why just ignore someones question. And the ladies that bash on people for having or wanting a baby at an early age. ITS THERE LIFE LET THEM LIVE IT !!! I'm sure they understand how hard it would be but if a baby makes them feel loved or happy then so be it! We should all support eachothers  decisions. So instead of ignoring someone help them out. They don't come to this app cause they want to, they come to this app cause they are curious and need help and maybe have no one to talk to at home. I mean if you do know the answers to someones question why ignore them why not help someone out??? Instead y'all rather talk about about the dirtiest sex y'all had.