Is he guilty?

A while back (maybe 6 months ago) I had a house party where like usual I decided to drink away all my problems in the comfort of my home surrounded by my friends. A guy was there that has continuously attempted to get with me any sexual way possible and was continually ignored and turned down. He wasn't drinking. Instead he was continually calling rematches to beer pong in which he drank water. All I remember after that was him pouring me shots. A lot of them. After that I blacked out only coming to one time. My best friend had walked in my room and all I wanted to do was ask her for help but I couldn't find my words or strength to remove myself from him. He had fully taken advantage of me and she did nothing but apologize for walking in..
The next thing I know it's the next morning and I woke up naked with him in my bed. I instantly freaked out and made him leave. I didn't call it rape for this entire time though so many people told me it was. But about 4 days ago I had my first herpes outbreak. It's the most painful things I've ever endured and it put me in such a state of depression that I can't even begin to think of how I can get out. I pretended that what he did never happened. I didn't like to think about it and I only told a select few people, and the only reason I even told them was because with how low I felt after it happened I didn't know what I was going to do. I thought about self harm and I was sick of waking up in a pool of sweat after the nightmares I endured. 
The thing is, I'm currently with the man of my dreams, my biggest high school crush that I never did get over even after being 23. He's military and we married just after a short period. I couldn't be happier! But now after this outbreak I don't know what to tell him or how to tell him. I never knew before now and I wish I had. I wouldn't wish this upon anyone.
I'm not certain that I got it that night, but it's likely and after I forgave myself for getting so vulnerable and letting something like that happen, I'm devastated once again.