when did you know that you have to go through c section?

i am first time mom and my dr doesnt told me yet that i have to go through c section or natural?in which week did you know that you are having c section?
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I found out that I needed a c-section after 19 hours of labor. My daughter had flipped to face up and I stopped progressing at a 5. I had an epidural for most of my labor, but they normally don't work for "back labor", which I had since she flipped and the back of her head was pressed up against my lower back. My doctor couldn't get her to flip back over, so off to the OR we went. Thankfully, my c-section wasn't that bad and I recovered well (I have heard some horror stories about c-sections). Normally there is a medical reason to have a c-section.


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My son was breech and I was leaking fluid so I had one at 37 weeks... Found out about two weeks before 


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Not until after experiencing labor and pushing for 5 hours to try to get her out


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I didn't know until I went into the hospital at 30 weeks and turned out I had a placental abruption! This one is scheduled.


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I found out after 29 hours of induced labor with no dilation, he took his 1st poop, & was going to be a dry birth, & he was stuck in the birth canal


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Most people don't know in advance about needing a c-section. Unless there is a medical need that requires a C, you'll likely attempt vaginal delivery and only move to a C if necessary.They told me my first two kids would be big and they both were 7lbs. That's not a reason for C-section. I have never had issue with baby being breeched, I think most dr's would recommend a C, but not all. Unless you had a placenta previa or other medical condition, plan on vaginal birth. I have a scheduled C this time because it's my third and I'm having my tubes tied.