Frustrating follow-up from D&C

I went for my 2-week post D&C appt and felt very frustrated with the experience.  My clinic makes us rotate through OBs, and the OB that I saw has only met me twice before (one of those times being the day I learned my baby had no heartbeat).  I think she has already made up her mind that I'm a 'difficult' or 'anxious' patient - but come on, my baby died, can I get cut a little slack???
Here is what happened at the visit:
-No physical exam.  I had hoped to know if things are looking normal and if my cervix is closed, but doc said this is unnecessary.
-No blood work to see if HCG levels are falling. Was fussed at by doctor for taking home pregnancy tests to see if my HCG appears to be falling.  She told me no more home tests.
-Was not told whether I can resume sex, using tampons, etc.  Never mentioned.
-The surgeon said I need to be checked for fibroids and a polyp and to follow up with my OB about this.  When I asked OB yesterday, she said she was not worried about fibroids based on an ultrasound from last January.  Then she said that she had not been told anything about a polyp by the surgeon and was "not worried".  She suggested that if I was so worried about the polyp, I should make an appt with the surgeon further discuss.  What?!?!
-I was very emotional and crying at the appt; first, I was placed in the same exam room where 2 weeks ago I was told my baby was dead.  Doctor's main objective seemed to be to convince me to go on antidepressants.  Yes, I have used them in the past for anxiety/depression but I was clear with her that my husband and I decided together that I do not want to take antidepressants during a possible future pregnancy.  She then said she doesn't think I can ever have a good pregnancy without them.  She said that pregnancy is full of scary ups and downs and she thinks I need to be medicated the entire time.   This made me really upset and cry harder which made her push harder for the meds.  
-She told me not to try again to conceive for 3 months (even though another doc in her practice told me 6 weeks) and dismissed me with the instructions to come back in April for my annual pap.
I left feeling upset, not heard, and disheartened with no hope of a future pregnancy without either a lot of fear or a lot of antidepressants.  :(
Am I crazy?