Cut my vagina?

Just looking for some advice really, I had sex with my boyfriend a couple of days ago and he was pretty rough, in the morning I woke up with really bad cramps in my stomach and was bleeding from my vagina, I definitely wasn't due a period as I only finished my period a week or so ago, I've tried to have a look and the very bottom of my vagina near my bum is really red and bloody, it is so sore! I'm really confused and don't know if I'm starting my period again and I'm just a bit sore or if he has cut it down there a little, the blood to me doesn't look like period blood it's very watery with no blood clots and is a pinkish red sort of colour, just wondering if anyone has any advice or has been in a similar situation? Do I need to see a doctor or will it just take a few days to heal itself and feel better? Any advice really appreciated, thanks