Pp anxiety

So I have been to the hospital multiple times for chest pains and chest tightness my mind doesn't want to believe it's pp I feel like I'm going to die everyday of my life I'm scared to death I can't sleep with my pillows flat I have to sleep straight up on the couch Bc I feel like my breathing stops my body tremors every single day I am a sahm and taking care of my son is getting so hard 😭 Bc I don't feel well I have an appointment with a cardiologist just to be sure nothing's wrong which I hope he rules everything out for a little ease to my mind my dr recently put me on lexapro wich shot my nerves through the roof and made my body tremors worse and made me so sick to my stomach I haven't been able to eat so I stopped taking it today can any one else relate to the anxiety part?? I'm not really depressed other than the fact it's upsetting I can hardly function to take care of my son 😭