Play station 4 RANT (VULGAR)


All my SO does is play the fucking PS4 and I'm sick of it!! Fallout 4, dying light, call of duty black ops 3, and WWE. Seriously dude!? Your 30 years old expecting your first child get your fucking ass over here and show me and your baby some attention. Just because I'm the one who's pregnant doesn't mean you can't bond with the baby too!! It can hear now come talk to it.

The closest you get to bonding is rubbing my belly at night. And you only do that so I'll play with your balls!! Ugh!!!!! Yes you may have told me you love me 20 times today but I'd like you to show me. Give me a hug kiss my forehead randomly instead of just when you want a Dr pepper or a sandwich. -.- I'm not asking you to spoil the shit out of me I just want some affection. Is that really too much to ask for?? Love on me and love on your baby. If your stuck up the PS4s ass when this baby comes I'll break it and the Xbox too. 😈😣😡😠😬😤