
Heath • Pregnant with second baby. Daughter is 2. Married for 5 years.
This may be an introvert problem, but I thought I would share in case anyone is in the same boat as me. Today I was going to run some errands and my best friend asked to meet up with me and tag along. I haven't felt like leaving the house in days but I always feel good after I do, so I said that was fine. Well as I started to get ready, I just could not bring myself to leave the house. I had a full meltdown and the thought of leaving the house was just too much for me to handle. Thankfully my friend is amazing (and also pregnant) and was very understanding at me being a flaky friend. I just don't get how it could stir up such emotion. Normally I can push through but today I couldn't. Has this happened to anyone else? I am 39 weeks today. I feel immature for not being able to keep my word and just suck it up!