
Any of you on Lovenox? 
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I have been on lovenox sinxe I was 8 weeks pregnant I am currently only 14weeks and will continue lovenox throughout the rest of this pregnancy and most likely after as well I take 120mg 2x a day :(


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I'm taking Lovenox for a clotting issue along with a baby aspirin..


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My doc prescribed it because I have the MTHFR gene mutation (homozygous C776T), but after having my homocystine levels checked I decided to skip the blood thinners and take methyl folate (MTHFR causes problems with the body methylating folate), b6 and b12. My homocystine was perfect so I didn't want to possibly complicate the birth just because of a mutation that wasn't actually causing problems. We will check homocystine levels periodically throughout the pregnancy and if there are changes I'll start the meds. I'm a surrogate and my intended mothers really want a homebirth, so as long as I'm methylating properly we don't want to complicate things. 


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I'm on it as every pregnancy as a precaution I hate sticking myself


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I am on it as well, second pregnancy on it, I have a beautiful 10 yr old daughter who by some amazing grace was born healthy and I didn't use lovenox bc I didn't know I had a clotting condition then.


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I am with this current pregnancy 


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Do you do the once a day dose? I'm so hoping it's the thing my body needs to keep my bean ok. 


Kristen • Jan 5, 2016
I have major bruising too with my shots I've found just alternating sides and even doing them closer to my hips than stomach helps gives me space to let the other bruises heal some


Jen • Jan 5, 2016


Jen • Jan 5, 2016
I pinch. My stomach doesn't have a lot of fat (it prefers to reside in my butt) so I bruise more. I switch sides. I may be irritating the site with my pants.


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I am -- hoping to get off soon