Feeling odd..

So I havnt actually had AF since September 7th. Come off bc in June. I believe this was withdrawal bleed though. I've been testing monthly ( just incase) I'm on no BC at all and we havnt been preventing at all. As we are trying for baby number 2, since Saturday my nipples have been extremely sore to touch,I'm having a dull ache very low down.. Checked cm last night and it was very stretchy but tinged off white with slight yellow ish colour. I didn't even need to check as it come away when wiping quite thick. Sorry for TMI. I've not tested since December 3rd so I know there is a possibility that I could Infact have conceived, I've been told that you can still ovulate without having a period, how true is this? I don't want to get my hopes up because we took the "not trying checking testing" route to things after being obsessed for a few months with it. My nipples virtually never get sore even the run up to AF this isn't a pre AF symptom I have at all. Other than that, I'm slightly in denial about testing again because I guess deep down I don't want the disappointment with another bfn.
But these symptoms are 100% genuine..and real. 
Even more so making me think more is the fact my grans cat has jumped up onto sofa this morning to me and settled down right ontop of my stomach.. Purring and clawing me (he's never like this) he's a very unsociable cat!! Hmmmmmm!