Clomid, thanks for any input

AF due 1/26. This is my 4th cycle of Clomid. Clomid always makes me think I'm pregnant with crazy symptoms but so far no luck. But this month is odd for me bc I'm extremely nauseas and dizzy. 
1-5dpo: nothing but mild cramping
6 dpo: very painful AF cramping and sex made the cramping worse (odd), gassy, bloated, constipated, nipples were a little tingly, dry CM
7dpo: mild cramping, constipated, extremely tired, hungry, bloated, cranky, nipples very sensitive, slightly dizzy, occasional nausea, woke up to pee(never), dry CM
8dpo: constantly starving, nipples still sensitive, bad case of nausea all day, very dizzy all day, acne on cheeks and chest, CM is watery/lotiony, I just want cheese like bad, wierd twingy cramps that come and go...
I have my fingers crossed but am also preparing for the bfn so I don't get my hopes up.  Do you think I could be pregnant?? Please share your stories or give me your opinions. TIA ❤️❤️👍 baby dust to all!!!!