Pregnant with Paragard

So I just wanted to write this because I know I'm not the only woman in the world this has happened to. We found out last Monday that I am 5 weeks along, and I got pregnant with the Paragard IUD still in. While being preggy was not a issue for us (not our timing but still excited), I was so concerned about having the IUD still in. Had to go for an internal ultrasound ASAP, where the tech had trouble even finding gestational sac. Finally found what appeared to be it...she found nothing else anywhere else in my body. Paragard was extremely low and in my cervix (most likely came out of position during sex) and thus- pregnant! Once I had ultrasound and it looked as though the suspected sac was much higher than the Paragard, my doc went ahead and pulled it out. I asked her about leaving it in, and she said that it is an option in certain cases but that she would prefer to take it out because leaving it poses about a 50/50 risk of infection. I must say this was one of the most scary times of my life- not knowing if my baby is absolutely ok or not. For that reason, and some other religious ones, I will never have the an IUD ever again. I had actually planned on having it removed this week oddly enough. 
I just want other women out there in similar positions to have a story to read...I know seeing other women's succes stories helped me to relax during this situation. 
Now, the doc ordered another ultrasound for me in two weeks to check on baby. She said that my IUD being so so low was a very good thing for baby...decreases the risk of miscarriage (which was initially 50/50 as well). I am feeling normal pregnancy symptoms (except morning sickness) and I'm taking that as a good sign. Please, if anyone has questions, I'm very open to sharing! I realize how stressful it can be because of the risks in a IUD pregnancy. 
Due September 18, my best friend is due September 10, and I am beyond stoked. One percent chance...thank you God for this blessing. 
Thanks for reading my long blurb!