Halloween question

Miranda • Trying for baby #2!

I know this post is a little late but I was babysitting my Neice last night and it got brought up. My Neice (she's 5) wanted to dress up like Doc McStuffins for this past Halloween. She loves Doc McStuffins! Has everything you can think of that's Doc. Shes obsessed!

So her mom got her a Doc McStuffins costume and even made her a wig complete with the adorable pigtails and sparkly headband.

So this is what happened. My Neice (who is blonde hair and white) puts the outfit on. Then she asks her mom to "make her skin darker...because Doc McStuffins is black, just like Abbey in school". Abbey is one of her best friends at school. My sister in law doesn't know what to do. She tried to explain that it isn't appropriate but my Neice is persistent and doesn't understand why she can't. She doesn't get why her sister can wear blue makeup to make her a smurf, but she can't wear brown makeup to make her like Doc McStuffins.

I understand the history of black face. But is it ever acceptable to paint your child's skin to be a character they love? We all want there to be no racism, yet isn't this perpetuating it? My sister dressed up like Steve Urkle when she was a child, she loved his character. And I don't remember anyone making a big deal about it. I'm just saying when it comes to innocent children....can't it just be left at that. Innocence. Why does it always have to be seen negatively about something that happened before they even existed. I don't know. It's just sad to see her sad.

She ended up going as Cinderella. :(