Once upon a time a handicapped kid got kicked back.

So this happened in 7th grade (I'm 30 now). I was put in alternative class or "special ed" as its often called for my math. This was a rural school who's junior classes mixed with high school. So this class had 11-18 year olds, I was 12. There was a mentally handicapped guy (Amin) here who was actually 20 but was smaller than me. He had the understanding of a 5 year old but I don't know exactly what his condition was.

Well this class had 3 teachers (2 aides) and still it was choas every day. People picking on each other, hitting, yelling, stealing. The teachers would yell to stop but rarely handed out detention slips or had any control. They didn't seem to care either and let us duke it out our selves. A 17 year old was the typical guy who was the leader of the other students via being a bully and the loudest. Typical douche. Well we would hit people and intentionally taught Amin that hitting was funny. The guy never hit anyone and his participation in the choas was usually just laughing at others bad behavior and screaming.

Amin started kicking others (his strongest limb, he couldn't use his arms well) and laughing hysterically. Some students tried to tell him it was mean and stop, the teachers took the same approach but did nothing about it. So eventually Amin walks up to one of the girls on the computer and he sits down besides her and starts kicking her. He's kicked her before like everyone else, but the girl (11) had no idea what to do so she ignored him. He continued to kick harder laughing every time to get her attention. She snaps and kicks him back. He says "hey!" And she says "well stop kicking me". The teacher (literally 2 feet away looks up, does nothing to either of them. As usual)

Amin never kicked anyone again and started scolding people who did, but the question is do you think the teacher should have done something or do you think it's one of the kids fault?

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