Late 2-3 days

Ok ladies, this hasn't happened before that I know of. The reason I say this is because I usually ovulate cd 15 and if I wasn't pregnant got my period on time, this month happens to be Jan 21. BUT this month I ouvlated on cd 19/20, other ladies said if u ovulate late that your period will be late, like 14/15 days from ovulation. So when I entered that ovulated cd 19/20 glow pushed back my period to jan 25th. I tested on the 21st to see if something g happened, bfn. Now per glow I have 2 days before period starts (again). I almost always have spotting of brown discharge 1-2 days prior to af starting and some light cramping, and what do u know NOTHING... I know alot can change in 2 days but what do u think my chances are? I dtd cd 19 and cd 20. I also had ewcm on cd 19 and cd 20 (more) and I didn't have it earlier when glow predicted ovulation on cd 15.