Shirtless pics

So I have a good guy friend and we kind of have a thing I guess. We've been friends for years and I've always secretly liked him. Well recently he sent me a shirtless picture and he would occasionally send them after that first one, sometimes just after he woke up etc..and one time we got to the topic of how quoting me he "never wears a shirt." And I said that I always did and he said you really shouldn't and then because I trust him after he said that and I replied I took a picture of myself in a bra and sweats. I know he didn't screen shot it, but I don't know really I just had to voice my thoughts. I would never send nudes and never ask for them. I just really can't tell anyone about this because me and this guy already have a weird af relationship and our convos are something no one but is would understand and if I told anyone they would think I'm insane for doing it, so I guess that's why I'm saying it here.