I'm sad and angry and depressed

Ladies. This was my first pregnancy. I conceived easily. I was guarding myself until the first ultrasound at 8 weeks. The ob gyn told me with joy that the baby is measuring 8 weeks 5 days and the heartbeat was good and fast at 177 (if it's in the high 100s, she said that's an excellent sign). She told me the chance of miscarriage at that point is 0,5 percent (one in 200). I then relaxed a bit, told friends and family, and felt happy.
I brought my husband to the 10 week 5 days check up, as I wanted him to hear the heartbeat. I found out that the heart stopped and had to go to a d&c yesterday, since they told me that it might too big to pass at home, even with meds. I'm sad, I'm lost, I'm depressed.
I also feel completely disconnected from our doggy. I don't know if anyone experienced this, but I just can't now give anything to him. When he starts jumping on me, I feel annoyed or numb. I know he can't understand, but I obviously can't walk him right now and his hyperactivity and playfulness are just exhausting and irritating to me. I used to kiss his face all the time, now I just want him to stay away from me. This is one extra painful thing that I can't influence right now.