Cm help??

Leanne • Married & pregnant with baby Andrews #4
No picture as no point as cant really see cm but im supposed to be ovulating & my opks are coming back positive yesterday & today a little lighter (was getting dark friday & nearly a positive, yesterday same colour as control line & today going back a little lighter) my cm is id say watery not thick like iv seen on here & a little sticky my cervix is really high & back like really back i have to push down to get reach of it to feel if it's soft ect & its soft aswel & i think open but not sure as im not an expert id say feels like a soft little donut with a small middle 🙈 iv never had 2 do all this so im confused with all the pics of thick cm & ppl saying ovulating iv done the bd last few days also never really took opks & checked cervix position ect b4 i am ttc my 4th child after a mc in april last year i am normally very fertile & took exactly 10 weeks with other 3 babies with my husband & im still with the same partner