The pain of having endometriosis..😷😭

Kierstin • Wife to an amazing Husband and Mommy to an amazing little girl 💕
I'm turning 19 this year, I got married at 17 and knew that we wanted to start a family right away "even though we're young were both very financially stable" anyway when I was 15 I got diagnosed with stage 1 endometriosis. I had for scopic surgery to remove it, was taking BC and stopped it about 3 months befor I got married. Any way I've been married for a little over a year and still no baby😒. I still hurt but only 3 or 4 days out of the month and on AF but when I do hurt its like someone has stuck a knife in my stomach for hours and my surgery went fine the doctor told me that everything looked great. So I don't understand why I haven't conceived yet. I take OPK's, track my cycles, ect. My question is what can I do? I know some women try for years but I'm really getting stressed out about it.Â