Am I crossing the line???

I have this coworker who I'm really good friends with also outside of work. He does have a girlfriend and i know her and they have a kid together. We get along really well and have a quirky kind of relationship. He refers to me as his work wife. Anyways we confide a lot in each other about all sorts of things. Big purchases such as cars, cool places to travel, how to train our dogs and techniques. We really talk about everything life has to offer.

Anyways. Recently he and his gf had an argument over a text that I sent him, asking about our schedule change and if we worked on a certain date. Because of that text, she apparently blew up at him for 'texting me all the time'. One time he had asked her to drop him off a coffee and she told him to get his work wife to get him coffee. So I took a step back (I felt like it was the right thing to do! If she was upset then I'd respect her feelings as his gf of course! I meant no harm ever!)

So now they're engaged and it's wonderful he's still my friend but I've significantly cut back on hanging outside of work. We still talk of course. Anyways. He's asked me some questions about planning wedding and such and I gave him advice and just left it. He came into work one day super mad and I asked him what was wrong. He said that she didn't want to travel this year for their honeymoon. So he turned to her and said that his work wife would go on the honeymoon with him. I'm shocked I'm upset that he'd say that even as a joke to her!

Ugh what do I do? I feel like I'm ruining their relationship but he's totally content with her freaking out always! Help!