I'm a fucked up wife

Amanda • Mommy.5.2016
So my husband called every apartment that was renting and all said no to renting to him due to his eviction including apartments that give 2nd chances... So he asked me to pay it and he would pay me back.. The problem is if I did pay it we would only have enough to move in I wouldn't have any money to buy my kids beds a couch things needed for the house dining room table we would only have food so I wouldn't be able to terminate a guardianship or get my kids back without proper stuff for them... I feel like I'm in a fucked up situation because my husband has lied to me from day 1 .. I don't trust him for shit yet I'm the fucked up cuz I refuse to help him pay an eviction he got before we even got together that he lied about including to continue helping his ex and it took him 2 yrs to supposably stop paying her  extra money for her bills after I gave an ultimatum... I feel that he needs to pay it like he should of regardless if I'm married to him I don't deserve to be lied to as I've done nothing to him for him to lie... He figured he could help his ex and still provide for us but reality is he can't he can barely do is as his bills r a lot... He brings home 1900 every 2 wks we pay rent buy food buy diapers n wipe/pull-ups pay car insurance pay car payment cell phone bill storage bill  plus his mom for childcare he pays his ex child support both from his check and out of pocket then pays her mom for babysitting and paying back a bill she paid for her  daughter n him.. Gas in both vehicles... We have like 500 left for 2 wks..n now my income I'll b bring home like 600 every 2 wks after taxes and child support.. So if I help him how am I to provide the things I need for my house/apartment without money cuz I used whatever I have to help him n move in.. Yet if the tables were turned he wouldn't help me.. I mean hello he left me when shit got tough and then when I needed him he emptied out bank account twice .. He has done nthn but lie to me .. Yet I'm a fucked up wife for not helping him clear his debt he made 6 months before meeting me